
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Diwali | Diwali Greeting | Diwali Greeting Cards

Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards
Diwali Greeting Cards

For more Diwali SMS, click here.

Mai Nishida

Mai Nishida
Por: Darío Valle Risoto

Recién recibidas las fotos de la que presumimos otra Pop Idol de las que abundan en Asia, como siempre solo siete fotos seleccionadas de muchas más, si quieren segunda parte comenten...

Arte con Lápices

Los làpices no son solo para dibujar o escribir
Recibimos de María Garín, lamentablemente no tenemos el nombre del artista o los artistas.


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Monday, October 17, 2011

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Cassie steele-bikini pictures
Cassie steele-bikini pictures

Cassie steele-bikini pictures

Ron's Plan

 Ron Paul has released his "Plan to Restore America" ahead of his speech tonight on the same topic. Here are a few highlights:

  • Paul says his plan would cut spending by $1 trillion in the first year alone, and balance the budget in three years without increasing taxes.
  • Funding for the wars would end. That’s not isolationism – it’s a common sense position that also reflects popular opinion. In addition, foreign aid spending would be zeroed out.
  • On entitlements, younger people would be given the freedom to opt out of Social Security and Medicare. Spending would be frozen for Medicaid and other welfare programs and they would be converted to block-grant programs.

 Would I like to see that plan implemented? Yes.
 Do I think Dr. Paul will have a chance to implement it? Sadly, no.


Drake made a few appearances on Saturday's SNL, in addition to performing "Headlines" and "Make Me Proud" with the ever so thick Nicki Manaj.

Socialism In Action

 If you're wealthy enough (and stupid enough) to own a luxury vacation home on one of the islands in the Los Roques chain off the coast of Venezuela, get ready to be nationalized:

"Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chávez, said he planned to “nationalise” Los Roques, a chain of islands off his country’s Caribbean coast, and expropriate its luxury holiday homes."

 Work hard. Save your money. Buy a nice home. Have some Socialist dictator take it from you.

Quote of the Week

 Via Craig W. Wright:

  "“The protesters of the `occupy’ movement imagine themselves to be in the spirit of history’s great radicals — speaking truth to power and all that. As many have said, the movement seems blind to the real source of power in society, else they would be protesting government bureaucracies and the Federal Reserve.” -  Jeffrey A. Tucker"


 Way too many posts in a row without gratuitous T&A. Here's Adriana Lima in her undies.

The "Everything"

 It literally changes everything!

Nothing New

 The #Occupy Wall St. protests, that is:

  "Consider the following impassioned plea against Wall Street and corporations:
Capitalism in the United States has developed in such a way that the industries are owned and controlled through great corporations. Through interlocking directorates these corporations are bound together. The result is that a relatively small group of capitalists with headquarters in Wall Street today are the masters of the industries of the Unites States.
Or as we now know them, the 1%. Only this wasn’t written by any Occupy Wall Street demand committee. This is from a pamphlet produced by the Workers’ Party of America in 1923. Haven’t heard of the WPA? They weren’t around for very long. As Wikipedia explains, the WPA was “the name of the legal party organization used by the Communist Party USA from the last days of 1921 until the middle of 1929.” "

Go read the whole thing.

I Told You This Would Get Interesting

 I posted last week about Andrew Breitbart's efforts to crowdsource a trove of #Occupy emails. I specifically said, "This is going to get interesting." Since it happens so seldom I must take this opportunity to point out that I was correct.

 "Big Journalism has learned that the Occupy Washington DC movement is working with well-known media members to craft its demands and messaging while these media members report on the movement. Someone has made the emails from the Occupy Wall Street email distro public and searchable. The names in the list are a veritable who’s who in media."

 H/T: Ann Althouse

Spock Is Gay

 Zachary Quinto, who recently played Spock in the Star Trek reboot, confirmed that he is gay. My reaction: That's news?

 Not in the sense that we should have known all along, but in the "who actually gives a flying fuck if he's gay, straight, or asexual?"

Healthy Eating

 Don't believe everything you've heard about it.

 H/T: The Agitator


 Some are cooler than others.

Zhanna Friske pictures

Zhanna Friske photos and Zhanna Friske picture

Zhanna Friske pictures

Zhanna Friske photos and Zhanna Friske picture

Maria Kirilenko pics

Maria Kirilenko pictures and Maria Kirilenko photos

Maria Kirilenko pics

Maria Kirilenko pictures and Maria Kirilenko photos

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Comic Metalero

Un interesante comic en Taringa
Educativo, ágil y pleno de amor al Heavy Metal
Página de orígen con más info aquí

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