
Monday, October 17, 2011

Ron's Plan

 Ron Paul has released his "Plan to Restore America" ahead of his speech tonight on the same topic. Here are a few highlights:

  • Paul says his plan would cut spending by $1 trillion in the first year alone, and balance the budget in three years without increasing taxes.
  • Funding for the wars would end. That’s not isolationism – it’s a common sense position that also reflects popular opinion. In addition, foreign aid spending would be zeroed out.
  • On entitlements, younger people would be given the freedom to opt out of Social Security and Medicare. Spending would be frozen for Medicaid and other welfare programs and they would be converted to block-grant programs.

 Would I like to see that plan implemented? Yes.
 Do I think Dr. Paul will have a chance to implement it? Sadly, no.

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